Mysteries of Egypt

two of them had accidents
on their leg.

It means maybe a stone
fell down on their leg.

Pyramid-building was dangerous work.
In the next scene,
the crew will film a runaway
column stone.

It's only a prop,
but it weighs about 400 pounds.

Actors, extras, and an
Egyptian stuntwoman must scramble
out of the column's path
at the last possible moment.

There is little room for error.
While the prop gets
a last minute touch-up...

the film crew shoots
the stone's point of view.

She's quick! Thank God.
I've done things like this before
but not as dangerous.
Finally, both camera and
column are ready to roll.

Three, two, one, go!
The shot comes off without a hitch
and the crew now turns to
their biggest challenge

recreating the funeral procession
of Egypt's most famous pharaon.
Carter, please,
can you see anything?

Yes, wonderful things.
