Mysteries of Egypt

I've done things like this before
but not as dangerous.
Finally, both camera and
column are ready to roll.

Three, two, one, go!
The shot comes off without a hitch
and the crew now turns to
their biggest challenge

recreating the funeral procession
of Egypt's most famous pharaon.
Carter, please,
can you see anything?

Yes, wonderful things.
Wonderful things.
In 1922,
an obscure English archaeologist
named Howard Carter

unearthed the remains of an
even more obscure pharaon
named Tutankhamon.
Carter had discovered
what all others had
despaired of ever finding
a virtually unlooted
pharaon's tomb.

And the treasures of King Tut
have never relinquished

their grip
on the world's imagination.

Now director Bruce Neibaur's crew
wants to bury King Tut all over again.

High above a desert valley,
the crew prepares to capture
the boy king's funeral procession.

In Tut's time,
the pharaons no longer built pyramids for
their tombs-instead they hid their treasure

filled burial sites in the
remote valley of the kings.
