Out of Sight

Näetkö nuo pylväät tuolla?
Ne rakentavat toista aitaa muutamaa
metriä edellisen taakse.

Jos odotamme Super Bowliin
asti ja aita rakennetaan -

se tietää meille kymmenkunta
päivää lisää kaivamista.

Ei sovi minulle.
Kun ilta pimenee, meikä lähtee.
Tule mukaan, Foley.

Olisihan se houkuttelevaa -
mutta yli 150 km Miamiin
on vähän liian pitkä retki.

Olen liian vanha noihin suorituksiin.
Heitä kortilla, kun pääset vapaalle.
Adele Delisi puhelimessa.
Otatteko vastapuhelun Jack Foleylta?
-Mitä kuuluu, Adele?
-Hei, pankkiryöstäjä.

Kelpaako neuvo?
Jätä moottori käyntiin ensi kerralla.

- It's Super Bowl Sunday, okay?
- See you moved it up.

- Why you think that?
- I saw you runnin' this mornin'.

Stickin' to your routine
in case anybody happened to notice.

But you only did a couple of miles,
instead of your usual five.

Saving yourself for the big event. What
happened? Finish ahead of schedule?

Mira, you see those posts out there?
They're putting up another fence
15 feet back the fence that's
already there, you know?

So you figure, mira,
we wait till Super Bowl Sunday,
they have that fence built...

then, cono, we gotta dig what,
another nine, ten days, baby?

- Yeah.
- I don't think so.

So tonight, when it gets dark,
batta-bing, I'm outta here.
Come on, Foley. You could come.

I appreciate the offer,
and it's tempting.

It's a long run to civilization.
What's it? A hundred miles to Miami?

I'm too old to be tryin'
a stunt like that.

So, you send me a postcard
when you get out.

[ Phone Ringing ]
