Small Soldiers

- Uh...
- [ Knocking On Door ]

[ Sighs ]
Hi. Uh, we're closed.
See the sign ?

I'll be real quick. I just came
to get those toys. The Major
Chip thing and the monster ?

- I can't sell you those toys. Sorry.
- But you're the only store...

that has them,
and my parents just caved.

- Well, the toys are gone, all right ?
- Well, what about him ?

Oh. Him.
He's defective.

- Oh.
- And the rest were stolen.

Oh, that's too bad.
Alan. We must find
the Gorgonites. [ Grunting ]

Oh, my God !
[ Sighs ]
Who did all this ?

Are you pulling some kind
of insurance scam ?

I swear, I did
one thing wrong. That's it.

And I'm branded
for life.

So, it is true.
I heard your parents
had to move here 'cause...

- you got kicked out of
ten different schools ?
- I did not !

No ?
- It was two.
- Only two ?

So... you need
some help ?

- Alan, can I talk now ?
- No.

I can't believe
they broke my dad's radio.

Hey, Alan, do you ever watch
that show Family of Five ?

- Sure.
- Do you like it ?

- Uh, it's okay.
- Oh, thank God. Me neither. I hate it.

It's so lame. I'm so sick of everybody
telling me it's so great.

- I can't stand the parents.
They're so nice.
- The worst.

- Where do these go ?
- Uh, just over there.

I'm more of an X- Files
kind of guy myself.
