- What is it ?
- Let's go somewhere private.
Just because a guy has something plugged
into his ear doesn't mean--
I asked.
Tyler says it was a radio.
Okay, we'll check it out.
But a compulsive gambler who admits he took a dive...
might not turn out
to be the best witness in the world.
It's not just him.
I'm betting the redhead is the person who told Tyler to throw the fight.
She's one, shooter's two, Tyler's three,
the drunk who shouted the signal's four,
and whoever was on the other end
of that radio is five.
Five people
make a conspiracy, right ?
Yeah, yeah. Look, anything's possible,
but I gotta tell you...
we got a file an inch thick
on this guy Rabat.
He's a well-known nutcase. It was clear
he was ready to die for his cause.
That's a suicide note.
You know, "l fly into the arms
of Allah," shit like that.
He was all worked up
about our missile sales to lsrael,
and it's conceivable that he found out
about the Norfolk test.
Norfolk test ?
What's that ?
Kevin, I know it's classified,
but I am the investigating officer in a murder now.
All right. But what are you
chasing this for ?
You don't get out of bed unless
there's an angle in it for you.
Guys get elected president
just for being in the right place at the right time.
I only want to be mayor.
Look, part of what
I'm going to tell you,
it could bury me.
I hope you can keep this
between us.
Kevin, you're talking
to your best friend.
And loyalty's my only vice.
So what's the problem ?
The problem is that
I was in too good a mood.
That trip to Norfolk
was for a weapons test...
for the AirGuard, Powell's
new antimissile defence system.
It's light years ahead of the
Sea Sparrows our ships have now.
If we had this in the Gulf
when the Renville--
After the Renville incident the old man
picked me to sell it to congress.
Everybody at D.O.D. wanted it to work,
and it did. The test went beautifully.