All right. But what are you
chasing this for ?
You don't get out of bed unless
there's an angle in it for you.
Guys get elected president
just for being in the right place at the right time.
I only want to be mayor.
Look, part of what
I'm going to tell you,
it could bury me.
I hope you can keep this
between us.
Kevin, you're talking
to your best friend.
And loyalty's my only vice.
So what's the problem ?
The problem is that
I was in too good a mood.
That trip to Norfolk
was for a weapons test...
for the AirGuard, Powell's
new antimissile defence system.
It's light years ahead of the
Sea Sparrows our ships have now.
If we had this in the Gulf
when the Renville--
After the Renville incident the old man
picked me to sell it to congress.
Everybody at D.O.D. wanted it to work,
and it did. The test went beautifully.
By the time we got to the fight
tonight, we were all high as kites.
I let the excitement get to me.
I lost my edge.
- [ Dunne ]
Can I see your ticket, please ? - My what ?
Your ticket, ma'am.
I need to see your ticket for this seat.
Oh, my ticket. Um, yeah, sure.
I think I have it here.
[ Fighters Punching ]
[ Crowd Cheering ]
[ Dunne ]
Hey !
[ Dunne ] Hold on a minute.
I was talking to you back there.
Where do you think
you're going ?
I'm going to the ladies' room.
Is that okay with you ?
In the middle of the first round ?
You're not much of a fight fan, I guess.
Look, uh, Sarge,
I don't know who you are,