Suicide Kings

Or gettin' fucked
in the mouth.

Why don't you
come with us ?
It'll be a blast, man.

Come on.
Oh, you know,
i don't like to intrude.

You wouldn't be at all.
He'd love it.
Plus, you'd give us an alibi.

Pass. Next time.
I sent my driver home.

That's no problem.
I have my car here.

Come on !
what the heck ?

[ Cheering ]
Life is short.
So's my whole family.

[ Laughing ]
You talked me
into it.
All right.
Let's go.

Would you give us
the bill ?
No, it's my treat.

I told you.

It's our night to howl.
Long time since i been
with the guys.

-There's a problem.
-[ Max ] You're right.

She's leaking.
[ Chuckling ]

-[ Brett ] What's the problem,
the chloroform ?
- No, not the chloroform.

But if the chloroform
doesn't work-- and it will,
i'm not saying that, max--

But if it doesn't, an injection
of haldol into the jugular will
put him away, definitely.

Into the jugular.
Who the hell's
gonna do that ?

Hopefully, nobody, but
if it comes to it, you.
You're sitting across from him.

- Why should i do it ? I don't
know how to give an injection.
-Can we do this, please ?

-[ Max ] Easy, man.
- Okay. Here we go.

Ready ?
You're driving.

Good car.
I got one of these.

Yeah, it's mother's.

They know how
to build 'em, huh ?

Take your time. Take it easy.
I'll take care of everything.

[ Charlie ]
Long time since i had
dinner with the boys.

Queen's tunnel ! one !
doors and windows

What are you doin' ?
This is the queens tunnel.

Now we gotta turn around
and come back.

What's that smell ?
- Hey !
-shit !
- keep out ! watch out !

- The fuckin' windows--
- it won't stay.
- Christ, he just bit me !

- [ Tires screeching ]
- [ Yelling ]

You think old carlo's
just gonna sit there
like that ridiculous doll ?

Come on, man. There's fuckin'
three of us. There's
threeof us and one of him.
