The Big Lebowski

There are rules.
Hey, Walter, come on,
it's just

Hey, man, it's Smokey.
So his toe slipped
over a little.

You know, it's
just a game, man.

This is a league game.
This determines

who enters
the next round-robin.

Am I wrong?
but I wasn't

Am I wrong?
but I wasn't over.

Give me
the marker, Dude.

I'm marking an 8.
Smokey, my friend,
You're entering
a world of pain.

Walter, man.
You mark
that frame an 8,

You're entering
a world of pain.

A world of pain.
Look, Dude,
this is your partner.

Has the whole world
gone crazy?!

Am I the only one
around here

who gives a shit
about the rules?!

Mark it zero!
They're calling
the cops, man.

Put the piece away.
Mark it zero!
Walter, put
the piece away.

You think I'm
fucking around here?

Mark it zero!
All right,
it's fucking zero.

You happy,
you crazy fuck?

It's a league game,

You can't do that, man.
These guys, you know,
they're like me.

They're pacifists.
Smokey was a
conscientious objector.

You know, Dude,
I, myself,

dabbled in pacifism
at one point,

not in 'nam,
of course.

And you know he's got
emotional problems, man.

You mean,
beyond pacifism?

He's fragile,
Very fragile.

Huh. I did not know that.
:18:28's all water
under the bridge,

and we do enter
the next round-robin.

Am I wrong?
No, you're not wrong.
Am I wrong?
You're not wrong,

you're just an asshole!
Ok, then.
We play Quintana
and O’Brien next week.

They should be pushovers.
Man, will you just
Just take it easy,

You know, that's your
answer for everything, Dude.

And let me
point out something.

Pacifism is not look
at our current situation

with that
camelfucker in Iraq.

Pacifism is not something
to hide behind.

Just take it easy, man.
