The Big Lebowski

It was discovered
last night in Van Nuys

lodged against
an abutment.

Oh, man, lodged where?
You're lucky she
didn't get chopped,

Mr. Lebowski.
Must've been
a joyride situation.

They abandoned
the vehicle

once they hit
the retaining wall.

Oh, my
fucking briefcase!

Man, it's not here.

Yeah, I saw that
on the report. Sorry.

You gotta get in
on the other side.

The side-view was
found on the road

by the car.
You're lucky they left
the tape deck, though,

And the Creedence.
Aw, Jesus!
What's that smell, man?

Probably a vagrant
slept in the car

or maybe just used it
as a toilet and moved on.

Are you gonna find
these guys or, you know,

I mean, you got any
promising, uh, leads or...

Yeah. Sure.
I'll just check
with the boys

down at
the crime lab.

They, got
4 more detectives

Working on the case.
They got us
working in shifts.

My only hope is that
the big Lebowski kills me

Before the Germans
can cut my dick off.

Now, that is just
ridiculous, Dude.

No one's going to
cut your dick off.

Thank you, Walter.
Not if I have anything
to say about it.

Thank you, Walter.
That makes me feel
very secure.

That makes me feel
very warm inside.

Now, Dude.
This whole
fuckin' thing.

I could be sitting here
with just pee stains
on my rug.

But, no, man,
I gotta, you know.

Fucking Germans.
Nothing changes.
Fucking Nazis.
They were Nazis, Dude?
Oh, come on, Donny.
They were threatening

Are we gonna
split hairs here?

Am I wrong?
Well, he..
They were
nihilists, man.

They kept saying
they believed in nothing.

Fuck me.
