The Horse Whisperer

And he flies it, and they just follow.
You hear about that, Uncle T?

Yeah. Heard aboutit.
Well, what do you think
about all that stuff?

Well, I'll tell ya, Joey,
itmightbe all right for geese to
grow up thinkin' they're aeroplanes...

buthorses, as far as I can tell,
can't fly.

We expecting company?
- You know who itis?
- Nope.

- Mr Booker?
- Yeah?
- Yeah?

Tom Booker?
Annie MacLean from New York.
We talked on the phone.

I had a little bit of a hard time
finding the place. There are no signs.

Oh, there are plenty of signs,
justnotmany of them printed.

Why do I get the impression
that you're justnot driving through?

I want you to take a look atmy horse.
Now, it won't take long.

And if you still feel the same way,
then I'm sure I can find...

You thinkin' aboutpersonally
driving me back east?

Oh, no, no, no. No, I broughthim along,
and my daughter, too.

We're at, we're at the Lazy J Motel.
- You hauled him all the way outhere?
- Well, yeah.

I had a trailer. It's notlike
I made him run alongside the car.

- By yourself?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, ma'am, I appreciate the pains
that you've obviously gone through...

Look, please don't do
the "Shucks, ma'am" thing again.

I have just driven a few thousand miles
for a few minutes of your time.

I have broughthim
all the way outhere.

Just take a look athim.
If you still feel the same way...

I will be on the road by morning, and
you'll never hear from me again, okay?

We're at the Lazy J Motel.
Whenever you're free.
