The Waterboy

- My mama said -
- That your life
is a gift -

- And my mama said -
- This much weight
you will lift -

- And my mama said
leave those bad boys alone -

- And my mama said --
This is where
they strip the ball from us.

And then we miss one tackle.
There, two tackles.

Joey drops the ball.
Whoops, he has time
to pick it up and dust it off
and run in for a touchdown...

before our guys even know
what's goin' on.

- [ Sighing ]
- [ Knocking ]

- Hello ?
- My name is Bobby Boucher.

And l am inquiring as to whether
you have the need for
an experienced waterboy...

on your upcoming season.
Nice suit.
Thank you.
l-l-l-lt was my daddy's.

- Hold that thought.
- Yeah.

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Come on. Come here.

Come here. Come on.
Come on, everybody.

- All right, this is it.
This is the play.
- 0kay.

This is the play.
This is the play. 0kay ?

The quarterback. Two receivers
lined up to the left, one to the right.

There's a flanker lined up to the left
behind the quarterback.

- 0h, okay.
- He gives the ball--
No, he doesn't get the ball.

The receiver goes
all the way over there to the left.

0nce the quarterback has the ball,
he fakes to the left.

No. He fakes to the right.
He doesn't fake.

He thinks about faking.
He pretends to fake.

l don't know
where l am.

l can't breathe.
0r, this room is getting smaller.
l have to sit down.

Hang on here.
Take some water.
