
Turn around and put
your hands on the wall.

Turn around... and put
your hands on that wall.

You're kidding, right?
[ Sighs ]
You're not going to try
and fuck me are you?

You wish.
This isn't exactly how
I envisioned our reunion going.

[ Grunts, Laughs ]
Oh, God... damn!

You had me going.
Goddamn, good to see you.
Come on.
Finally, I ended up in Texas.
That was about a year ago.
I had a little money,
got into mineral leases,

And I've been, uh...
working between
here and L.A. ever since.

Looks like we both escaped.
No shit.
Look at you.
You look like that wolf
that got taken in as a pet--

all dumb and domesticated.
You want a beer?
When's the last time you had
a beer at 8:00 in the morning?

About three and a half years ago.
Well, let me get them.
No, I'll get them.
Sit down, I'm closer.
That woman's got you
trained, doesn't she?

They're not in there.
They're in the fridge in the garage.
I'll get them.
[ Sighs ]
Two fridges.
Welcome to suburbia.
What the fuck?
What the hell is this?
It's Soy Moo.
Yeah, I can see that.
What's it for?
That's a milk substitute.
[ Clears Throat ]
We're very health conscious.
There's no meat...
no dairy... nothing.
You're kidding.
Three happy years...
of veggie burgers and acidophilus.
Those are scrambled eggs.
