American Pie

[ Sighs ]
- [ Spectators Clamoring ]
- [ Grunts ]

- [ Whistle Blows ]
- [ Cheering ]

[ P.A. Announcer ]
Goal by number eight, Chris Ostreicher.

- Nice game.
- Nice game. Good game.

Hey, what are
you doin' here ?

Just enjoying my first exhilarating
lacrosse experience.

- You kicked butt.
- Oh, thanks.

- Um, Chris--
- Oh, you can call me Oz, if you want.

- Do I have to ?
- You can call me Ostreicher.

- What's your middle name ?
- Nah, forget it.

- Come on. I won't tell anyone.
- Well, neither will l.

Okay. Um.
So, I had this thought and--
It may seem like
it's way out of left field.

I don't know if you can,
but since I'm not going with anybody, I thought that maybe--

Those guys sucked ass !
Choir chick, what the hell
are you doing here ?

Well, uh, I was
asking Chris to prom.

So, do you
want to go ?

Oh, yeah !
That would be great.

Well, just don't
expect Oz to pay for the limo !

Stifler, fuck !
I mean--

Why do you got to be so
insensitive all the time ?

What ?
Whatever. Look, uh, don't forget.
My cottage after prom.

On Lake Michigan.
[ Chuckles ]

Hey, wait up, you pussies.
Where you goin' ?
