Arlington Road

'Cause you've never been away from
home before. You're nine years old.

Nine and a half.
There'll be grownups there.

The answer is no, Grant.
It's spring vacation.
You said I could go.

Well, now I'm saying
that you can't go, Grant!

Look, maybe you can go
for summer camp or something, okay?

- Brady's going.
- Brady might not be the best kid...

for you to be alone
in the woods with !

- The answer is no!
- He's my best triend.

Look, you want to go to camp, we'll go
to Aunt Ruth's and Uncle Rob's cabin.

- Okay?
- That's a lie!

- No it's not!
- You'll be too busy! You'll forget!

- You and me, we'll go--
- You'll forget you said I could go!

I hate him.
The FBI keeps a file
on every American...

who has ever been
charged with a crime.

Now, certain offenses
cause files to be flagged.

Two years ago, these flags...
picked up a series of
suspicious firearms purchases...

in Maryland, Georgia
and the Carolinas.

Over a hundred guns from...
assault rifles, army issues...
all bought by acquaintances
of Seaver Parsons--

husband, father of three,
amateur gun collector...

outspoken member of
the right-wing extremists...

here in West Virginia.
To the FBI, it appeared Parsons
was stockpiling weapons...

for some sort of offensive.
So they sent four FBI agents...
