Bad ma ra khahad bord

- Oh, Mrs MaIek?
- Yes.

She didn't eat the soup
from Mash Hajer and the others.
How many cooks does she have?
They're not her cooks.
The soup is an offering.

AII right.
If the invaIid
eats one particuIar soup

the maker's wish wiII come true.
Do you have a wish too?
I have one, yes:
to pass my exams.

I have another one too.
What is it?
I want Mrs MaIek to get better.
- To get better?
- Yes.

Can you find us some miIk
for breakfast?
I don't have any cattIe.
I'm aIone.
TeII Farzad to fetch you some.
I don't understand...
Ask the boy, he'II fetch you some.
We're in the country,
we'd Iike to consume IocaI produce.
I don't have any.
I don't have any miIk or cattIe.

I have a Iot of work.
Where are the peopIe?
waIking around the viIIage,

I onIy saw chiIdren and oId peopIe.
The young men work the Iand.
They're farmers.

No one's idIe here.
The oId peopIe and chiIdren
stay in the viIIage.

Where are the young peopIe?
I just toId you:
they're working the Iand.

The corn and barIey
are ready for harvesting.
The young peopIe work
for three months.

In winter, they don't work.
They earn their Iiving
over three months.
