Bad ma ra khahad bord

What I just toId you is engraved
in their memories. It has been
for years and for generations now.
You Iook on it from the outside.
It may interest you.
But personaIIy...
May I get out here?
- Where are you going?
- To schooI, this way.

I'II drop you.
I'II see Farzad too.
He has exams,
I'II see what he's done.

Sir, thank you.
Thank you again. Good-bye.
- Are those the exam papers?
- Yes.

- Don't be too harsh on them.
- I'm not.

TeII our IittIe coIIeague
to come and see me.

Excuse me!
- What?
- PIease do me a favour.

Don't teII Farzad
what we were just saying.

AII right. Don't worry.
Go on, get in the other side.
Hurry up, get in.
- I can't come now.
- Why?

I need one more answer for the exam.
What is it?
The fourth question.
- You don't know the answer?
- No.

Because I don't.
