Chill Factor

- No way.
We're goin' to McGruder.
- I ain't going through Missoula.

Am I missin' somethin' here?
Look, I kinda borrowed
the truck from Andy.

- "Borrowed"?
- Yeah, borrowed!

You stole this truck.
You stole this truck!

- I did not steal this truck.
- You stole this truck.

That's what all the bullshit
about the cash was, wasn't it?

You stole this truck, and now you're
tryin' to sell the ice cream for money.

I didn't steal the truck!
He owed it to me!

Anyway, the important thing is
I'm not goin' through Missoula.

I don't give a shit if you go
through Missoula at 100 miles an
hour, we're goin' to McGruder.

Remember, I still have this.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'm about to get in your ass
like last year's underwear, man.

- That's fine. Whatever.
- I ain't playin' now.

Hey. We can't push
old Pete in this heat. He can't take it.

You better speed old Pete up.
Pull over!
