Crazy in Alabama

-God, you just keep pushing!
-How're you gonna kill me again?

Just one more thing.
She say how she killed him?
No, sir.
She pulled a .45 on a bartender
in New Orleans and stole his car.

That's ridiculous.
Baby sister wouldn't do that.

I beg to differ.
Your baby sister's
one bad little girl.

I'm gonna bring her in...
:20:27 way or another.
And you're gonna help me.
She gonna call you...
...and you gonna say
just exactly what it takes.

I'll let you know what I hear.
-Can they put me in jail for lying?
-Not unless you're under oath.

Why don't y'all go down to
the pool for a while? Have some fun.

We've all had enough of this mess.
-You think she stole a car?

If baby sister needed a car,
she'd get one.

I bet she's having the time
of her life off there by herself.

I hope she is.
I hope she's living it up.
Because if she does get caught,
that's when the fun stops.
