Crna macka, beli macor

Why? All your friends are married
and have children.

When I was your age I had
been married four times.

The sister?
Find a girl and get it over with.
Don't get excited. What was number five
like? The one that stole your heart?

Tell me.
My darling.
Only the memory of her was
enough to lighten my heart.

My darling...
That's family.
As soon as you saw her, you knew
she was the one. That's what I want too.

When will that be?
When I'm dead?

Why don't you be a good boy and
marry for him.

Yesterday I had another attack.
I can barely see.


I beg you for the last time:
find yourself a wife.

Take me to the hospital
to recover.

I'll get out for your marriage.
Bring me a daughter in law.
Ok, grandad.
Kssss, cat.
Black cats are bad luck.
Mincha, brother.
Take care of the passenger train,
I'll take the goods train.
