
- They're livin' together.
- You want to save this till later?

No, no, now's the perfect time.
He's a singer in a piano bar.
Sings, plays the piano.
And thas how they met.

- He sang to her and they fell in love.
- Not even, Buzz.

No. Get this. Some drunk hit him
in the head with a snifter.

One of those things
you keep on the bar for tips?

You don't know, Buzz,
'cause you never get tips.

He hit him over the head 'cause he's
terrible, he's wretched, he's awful.

He's dreadful, he sucks,
I'm tellin' ya, right?

Thas what happened. She's pullin'
a chunk of glass out of his skull,

and he bleeds on her,
and thas all she needs!

Bing! Is amore, right?
The question I'm askin' is:
Whas she doin' in a bar?
She's an alcoholic for Chriss sakes!

No, Ray, buddy, not here.
I gotta pee, I gotta pee.
Hey, what, are you hidin'
from the police or somethin'?

Come on, show yourself.
Look, is she beautiful?

She's beautiful, right?
Thas my girl.

While I'm gone, Edward, tell
'em about that time we lied to Mom...

and then went to Tijuana
to find the donkey show.

I got her, I got her.
- You are, though.
- What?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Yeah, bud?

I'm taking a poll on whether or not
I should shave my head.

I've had about 19 beers,
so take that into account.

- Barry, did you see that?
- What?

- The girl. The look.
- Yeah.

She likes the Ed guy better
than she likes the brother.

I don't think I like it.
I don't think is nice.

Is a good set of hair
you got on your head now.

I've had about enough of this.
Give me the remote.

Just a few more minutes.
Read your book.
