
She's beautiful, right?
Thas my girl.

While I'm gone, Edward, tell
'em about that time we lied to Mom...

and then went to Tijuana
to find the donkey show.

I got her, I got her.
- You are, though.
- What?

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Yeah, bud?

I'm taking a poll on whether or not
I should shave my head.

I've had about 19 beers,
so take that into account.

- Barry, did you see that?
- What?

- The girl. The look.
- Yeah.

She likes the Ed guy better
than she likes the brother.

I don't think I like it.
I don't think is nice.

Is a good set of hair
you got on your head now.

I've had about enough of this.
Give me the remote.

Just a few more minutes.
Read your book.

I wanna tell you a story
I wanna tell you about my town
I wanna tell you a story about people
Not this morning. Uh-uh.
Les change topics. Does anybody
have an opinion, a viewpoint...

on something going on now
called Ed TV?

Oh! This is a new low point
in American culture.

You're being kind.
You're being way too kind.

Brushin' my teeth.
