Extension du domaine de la lutte

Every weekend,
Catherine went home to BĂ©arn.
She was taking night classes
to get ahead.

In 3 years, with luck,
she might get a degree.
What do you study?
Financial control,
factoral analysis,

accountancy, algorithms.
Must be hard work.
It was hard work.
But she wasn't scared of work.
She worked till midnight
alone in her bed-sit, studying.
You have to fight
for what you want, no?

That's what I think, anyway.
Maybe Catherine and I
would hit it off.

She seemed determined
to keep control.

All I had to do
was turn up and teach.

That suited me fine.
The next Saturday,
from 8 to 11,

Our Hero socialized
with a priest friend.

They'd met as students,
when they were 20.
The restaurant was good.
No problem there.

But was he still my friend?
After graduating,
he entered a seminary.

He branched off.
Now he's a priest in Vitry.
Not an easy parish.
Society's so-called
"obsession with sex"

in advertising,
magazines and the other media,

is just a fiction.
Most people quickly tire of it,
but pretend they don't.
An odd, inverted hypocrisy.

Our civilization, actually,
is tired of life.
