Extension du domaine de la lutte

The next night, Our Hero fellsick.
My left shoulder hurt.
The pain was moving
towards my heart.

I felt that at this rate,
I'd die soon.

Within hours.
Anyway, before dawn.
To die so suddenly
seemed unfair.

I hadn't overindulged in life.
Okay, the last few years
had been tough,

but that was no reason
to pack it in.

Far from it.
In all fairness,
life owed me a break.

It all seemed so badly arranged.
What's more,
I hated Rouen and its people.

I didn't want to die,
let alone in Rouen.

The thought of dying here
was odious.
The local jerks
weren't worthy of it.

Excuse me. I need a hospital.
A hospital!
Contrary to my fears,
it wasn't a heart attack.
It was pericarditis.

The first symptoms are identical,
but while a heart attack can kill,
pericarditis is very benign.
