Galaxy Quest

- I don't like this at all.
- They are so cute.

Sure, they're cute now.
In a second, they're gonna get mean.

They're gonna get ugly somehow, then
there's gonna be a million more of them.

There's a little hurt one.

Hi there.

- Ah !
- Shh !

- Did you guys ever watch the show ?
See ?
They're gonna help
the little hurt one.

I'm so sick
of being right.

- Let's get out of here before
one of those thing skills Guy.
- Wait a minute.

We're not going anywhere without
a beryllium sphere. We need a plan.

Fred, I need a diversion
to clear the compound of those things.

Then, Alex and Gwen and I
will go get a sphere.

Tommy, get up on that ridge,
and if you see them come back,
give me a signal, all right ?

Why does this sound
so familiar ?

"Assault on Voltareck 3,"
episode 81.

- We're doing episode 81 ?
- Whatever. The one with
the hologram, the wall of fire.

Well, how the hell is Fred
supposed to project a hologram ?

- What did we do in episode 81 ?
- It's just a rough plan.

- What difference does it make
if it's episode 81 or not ?
- 'Cause I died in episode 81 !

- Shh ! Episode 51, right ?
- This is ludicrous.

Why are you listening to this fellow ?
May I remind you:

He's wearing a costume,
not a uniform.

He's no more equipped to lead us
than this fellow. No offense.

Look, they're gone.
- Where'd they go, back inside ?
- I don't know.

- Nobody was watching .
- All right, all right !

Listen up. Here's the plan.
Gwen, Fred, Alex and I,
we'll go down and get a sphere.

Fleegman, you set up a perimeter,
and Tommy, you're lookout.

- You see anything at all,
you give us a signal.
- What kind of a signal ?

- Any kind of signal.
- Okay, I'll do my hands
like this, and caw, caw !

What are you, an infant ?
Look, we have these.

- That-- Sorry.
- All right, let's go.
