Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai

Well, I'll tell ya.
There aren't too many of these
big black fuckers left here.

So when you get a clear shot
at it, you sure as hell take it.

That's why you shoot 'em...
..'cause there're not
that many left?

I don't think
I understand your question.

You know, there ain't that many
coloured people here, neither.

You oughta get back in your car
and go about your own business.

Yeah...maybe you're right.
Jesus Christ,
you fucking hit my knee!

You know, in ancient cultures...
bears were considered
equal with men.

This ain't no
ancient culture here, mister.

Sometimes it is.
(Cartoon sounds )
(Man coughing)
(Laboured breathing)
(Vin) You know, Louie...
There's one good thing
about this Ghost Dog guy.

What's that, Vin?
(Vin) He's sending us out
in the old way. (Chuckles )

Like real fucking gangsters.
