Gloomy Sunday - Ein Lied von Liebe und Tod

Budapest-Berlin Express ready
for departure form Track 1

That'll be the right one
Don't say anything. Come on
You, and your beef rolls
have given me back my life

I'll never forget it
Saving someone else from drowning was the best
thing that could have happened to me last night

I'll get you back for that
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

A blind and toothless restaurateur
would be pretty useless

The same goes for import-exporters!
You're right
Survival of the fittest

That's not what I meant. Darwin's animal
theories don't have to apply to us
Animals behave like animals,
people behave like people

Or at least, they should
We'll meet again
Don't tell llona
I jumped into the Danube

Sleep well?
Good morning
