Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

...with wildly dyed orange hair, had
a soft spot for starving artists...

:04:07 she herself had come
from a family of artists.

Kinski had been living nearby
in an attic, without furniture...

...just bare beams, and everything
covered knee-high with dead leaves.

He posed as a starving artist and
walked around stark-naked.

Yes, when the postman rang...
...Kinski rustled through his leaves,
stark-naked, and signed.

Where was that?
Somewhere nearby.
But he wore clothes
when he lived here, I hope?

Yes, but from the very first
moment, he terrorized everyone.

There were 8 parties living here.
He locked himself into the bathroom...

The bath over there...
- Wasn't there a door there?
- Yes, it led to the bathroom.

- May we?
- Yes, go ahead.

This room, to the left, was bigger.
Yes, we enlarged the bathroom.
That's where we used to live,
my mother and the three boys.

The four of us in just
one single room.

There were bunks. We were rather
poor, and my mother tried somehow...

:05:17 take part in the economic
miracle but got left behind.

This bath was smaller because
our room reached up to here.

Kinski had locked himself in this
bathroom for 2 days and 2 nights.

For forty-eight hours.
in his maniacal fury, he smashed
everything to smithereens.

The bathtub, the toilet bowl -

You could sift it through a tennis
racket. It was really incredible.

I never thought it possible that
someone could rave for 48 hours.

They called the police in the end,
but they left him in peace.
