Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

That same night, after shooting,
we extras were relaxing.

We drank a little and played cards.
Klaus Kinski became irate
and aggressive over this.

Apparently he wanted to show
that he was a tough guy...

...and with his Winchester he shot
three bullets into our hut.

We were 45 men cramped together
in there and he wounded one of us.

He shot off his fingertip. There
was so much blood, I was afraid...

...that the man was hit in the body,
but it was only the middle finger.

The extra's name was Araos.
The trajectory of the bullets...
did they penetrate the roof diagonally
from above and then into the floor?

No, he shot straight
through the wall.

He hated everybody...
...was impulsive, unpredictable,
half-mad. He was not quite normal.

A diabolical character.

He always went around armed.
One day you threatened
him with death.

You couldn't take it any longer...
...when he wanted to walk out
before the end of shooting.

A lot of scenes were still missing.
And how many sacrifices
had we made?

A few days journey from Machu
Picchu, down the Urubamba river.

Here, at the rapids of the Pongo,
we shot parts of "Fitzcarraldo".
