Mickey Blue Eyes

Bye, Miss Vitale!
And we're late. Run!
Please don't!
What? Don't what?
Just stop.
Just stop. Otherwise, l can't go on.
Just run normally.

l am running normally.
Right, l'm sorry.
l thought, you know....

l haven't seen you run before, and l
thought you were doing a funny run.

A funny run? That's my run.
What time is it?
We're now 25 minutes late.
We've lost our reservation.
What do you think?

l can't think. l'm much
too hurt about my run.

We'll go somewhere else.
And let's walk.

Are you okay?
-You look a little fishy.
-No, l'm fine.

How was last night?
Fine. The usual.
Your dad okay?
He's great.
l'm sorry. l want you to meet
him and Ritchie. lt's just--

You're ashamed of me. l talk funny.
My hair's unusually fluffy.

Just give me time.
Tell me what his restaurant's called
so l can sneak in in a beard.
