My Favorite Martian

Cookie dough!
Martian footage, take two.
-Chubby Hubby hangover, huh?
I swear, I'll never
touch that stuff again.

One scoop's too many,
and a million aren't enough!

So, how's it coming, anyway?
Oh, I converted a blow dryer,
two elastic bands...

and an Acme Bug-Away insect bomb...
into a temporary electron accelerator.
-Is it working?
-Not at all, but on the positive side,

your garage is now cockroach-free.
Blasted rental!
-This is a rental, is it?
-My regular ship is in the shop...

for its mid-millennium tune-up.
Where's your, uh, you know,
your suit, Zoot... thing.

Oh ho, washing up.
-Owwww! Spin me, mama!
So nice, so good
Five more minutes, Zoot,
then into the dryer.

You're bringing me down, man!
What I wouldn't give
to shed this grotesque human facade...

and let the cool Earth waters
caress my Martian skin.

-So why don't you?

Why not, indeed?
-Move over, Zoot!
-Martin, I meant-

I meant out in the hot tub, out back.
It would be private, by yourself.

You mean spit out my Nurplex...
and revert to Martian form
right outside your domicile?

-Oh, do you think that's safe?

Oh, yes, of course it's safe.
-I'll do it!
-Good. Let's go.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
-Tim? Thanks.
