Mystery, Alaska

- I'm sorry.
- Connor, you just shot a guy.

- Take him.
- Read him his rights.

Cock-fucking suck-ass fucker!
Have fun in jail, asshole!
They, uh,
got into a beef.

- Connor pulled a pistol.
Happened over in feed.

Says he was aiming at a sack
of Puppy Chow, trying to scare him.

He hit a wheelbarrow.
It ricocheted.

- Ow! Ow, ow!
- Johnny?

- Yeah?
- There's a helicopter hovering over town hall. Looks Russian.

I'm slow in the feet?
That's it?
That's all you got for me?

No, "Wow, nice helicopter"? No, " Hey,
great article in Sports Illustrated"?

How's Donna doing?
Does she miss me?

Twice in one year, Charlie.
What do you want this time?

I come bearing
the New York Rangers.

The New York Rangers?
Yeah, I was pretty blown away myself.
But the article sparked some kind
of brainstorm at the NHL.

- Good writing, I guess.
- The New York Rangers.

The New York Rangers.
- In Mystery, Alaska?
- Right here.

To play against our boys?
The NHL feels it'll be
great publicity,

and the network figures
a 14 share, minimum.

All right.
What's in it for you,

Community pride.
A sense of giving back to
the place where I grew up.

