Mystery, Alaska

That's it?
That's all you got for me?

No, "Wow, nice helicopter"? No, " Hey,
great article in Sports Illustrated"?

How's Donna doing?
Does she miss me?

Twice in one year, Charlie.
What do you want this time?

I come bearing
the New York Rangers.

The New York Rangers?
Yeah, I was pretty blown away myself.
But the article sparked some kind
of brainstorm at the NHL.

- Good writing, I guess.
- The New York Rangers.

The New York Rangers.
- In Mystery, Alaska?
- Right here.

To play against our boys?
The NHL feels it'll be
great publicity,

and the network figures
a 14 share, minimum.

All right.
What's in it for you,

Community pride.
A sense of giving back to
the place where I grew up.

If you all settle down, we'll, uh,
we'll try to answer all your questions.

Now, nothing is definite.
There's still some dealing to be done
with the players' unions and things.

But what needs to be decided first is,
do we want this game?

- I won't kid ya, it would be
a goose to the economy.

What economy?
We can be serious
about this,

or we can simply leave the decision to
the committee, which I'm quite happy to do.

Yes, Miram?
The question is,
do we really stand a chance?

'Cause if all that's gonna happen
is we'll get laughed at,

I'm not for it
at any price.

That's fair. That's fair.
And to answer that,

I'd like to call up here
someone we all know and...

Well, we all know.
Charles Danner.
