Office Space

If you're caught up
in the world while it's dying

I guarantee you'll fry,
'cause I am

On the verge of knocking
motherfuckers out

For no reason
Once I get down,
there'll be no breathin'

MICHAEL: Who's got my keys?
SAMIR: I'm driving.
Everything is gonna be OK.

All right? OK?
It's fun, and it's exciting.
I gotta--I gotta go. All right?
Joanna's coming over.
Don't worry.
You're worrying. All right?

Monday morning, we're gonna
check the account balance.

Everything will be OK.
Don't miss Tom's barbecue.
I'll see you there.

All right? Good night!
[Rapping] Back up in your ass
with the resurrection

What were you guys
celebrating last night?

Oh, um...l'm not really
at liberty to talk about it.

I really can't.
So, when the subroutine
compounds the interest...

it uses all these
extra decimal places...

that just get rounded off.
So we simplified
the whole thing...

and we round 'em all down
and drop the remainder...

into an account that we opened.
So you're stealing?
Uh, no.
No, you don't understand.

It's, uh, very complicated.
It's, uh...

It's aggregate, so I'm talking
about fractions of a penny...

and, uh, over time,
they add up to a lot.

Oh, OK. So you're gonna make
a lot of money, right?


It's not yours?
Uh...well, it becomes ours.
How is that not stealing?
I don't think
I'm explaining this very well.

Um, the 7-Eleven, right?
You'd take a penny
from the tray.

From the crippled children?
No, that's the jar.
I'm talking about the tray--
the pennies for everybody.

Oh, for everybody. OK.
Well, those are whole pennies.

I'm just talking about
fractions of a penny, OK?

But we do it
from a much bigger tray...
