Runaway Bride

Turns around, runs like hell.
Bolts. Adios.

Plows down the aisle,
knocking old ladies out of her way...

Like the Running of the Bulls
in Pamplona.

And guess what!
She's got the next victim all lined up.

She's turning another body
on the spit.

Okay, Italics, here we go.

[Ike's Voice] Today is
a day of profound introspection.

I have been accused
of using this column...

to direct bitter diatribes
at the opposite sex.

This uncomfortable accusation...
has plunged me into at least 15 minutes
of serious reflection,

from which I have emerged...
with the conclusion that, yes,
I traffic in female stereotypes.

"But how can one blame me when
every time I step out my front door,

I meet fresh proof that the female
archetypes are alive and well."

"The mother, the virgin,
the whore, the crone."

"They're elbowing you in the subway,
stealing your cabs,

and overwhelming you
with perfume in elevators."

"But perhaps in fairness
to the fairer sex,

I do need to broaden my horizon and add
some new goddesses to the pantheon."

"I would like to nominate
for deity the cheerleader, the coed...

and the man-eater, the last
of which concerns me most today."

"In ancient Greece, this fearsome female
was known as Erinys,

the devouring death goddess."
"In India, she is Kali,
who likes to devour
her boyfriend Shiva's entrails..."

"while her yoni devours
his dot, dot, dot... never mind."

"In Indonesia, the bloody-jawed man-eater
is called Ragma."

You notice these are
all countries without cable.
