Runaway Bride

"But how can one blame me when
every time I step out my front door,

I meet fresh proof that the female
archetypes are alive and well."

"The mother, the virgin,
the whore, the crone."

"They're elbowing you in the subway,
stealing your cabs,

and overwhelming you
with perfume in elevators."

"But perhaps in fairness
to the fairer sex,

I do need to broaden my horizon and add
some new goddesses to the pantheon."

"I would like to nominate
for deity the cheerleader, the coed...

and the man-eater, the last
of which concerns me most today."

"In ancient Greece, this fearsome female
was known as Erinys,

the devouring death goddess."
"In India, she is Kali,
who likes to devour
her boyfriend Shiva's entrails..."

"while her yoni devours
his dot, dot, dot... never mind."

"In Indonesia, the bloody-jawed man-eater
is called Ragma."

You notice these are
all countries without cable.

"And in Hale, Maryland,
where she helps run
the family hardware store,

she is known as Miss Maggie Carpenter,
a.k.a. the Runaway Bride."

"What is unusual about
Miss Carpenter...

is that she likes to dress her men up
as grooms before she devours them."

One antique hot-water handle
with the "hot" still on it.

Guaranteed to fit
any American Standard cast-iron tub...

with a four-inch center mount
made between 1924 and 1938.

In other words,
Mr. Paxton,

I think you are out of the doghouse
with Mrs. Paxton.

I'll see you later.
I'll put it on your charge.

There's a possibility
she hasn't seen this yet.

Maybe she just hasn't picked up a paper.
Know what I mean?

- Or not.
- [Man]Maggie?

Earl, you don't need an air-conditioner.
You need an attic fan.
