I can understand you.
I can think about her all day long,
it's a wonderful feeling.
Just like with that Stones' album.
I guess it's kind of different.
That's Sabrina,
- We're both keen on art.
- We're together.
- Are you getting addicted to the system?
- What?
We've had a tiny row.
That's something completely different.
- Do you want to get married?
- What are you talking about?
My parents are going out tomorrow
and I'd like to make a party.
I'll bring some drugs along.
Where are you going to get them from?
From the chemist's,
I've got to go.
Is your sister home?
She was waiting for you yesterday.
It was a political matter.
I'd like to invite her to
a party, here's the address.
These are asthmatic's herbs
but we make drugs out of them.
I've got a question.
What's inside?
Datura, horsetail and deadly nightshade.
We give everything away into a glass...
We want to see Sabrina.
Damn her, she's got a real house.
And now we add some cola.
This is Birgit.
We're lesbian.
You've got a problem?
- Did you bring some vinyls?
- I'm privately here.
- Is it tasty?
- That's not what it's for.