She was waiting for you yesterday.
It was a political matter.
I'd like to invite her to
a party, here's the address.
These are asthmatic's herbs
but we make drugs out of them.
I've got a question.
What's inside?
Datura, horsetail and deadly nightshade.
We give everything away into a glass...
We want to see Sabrina.
Damn her, she's got a real house.
And now we add some cola.
This is Birgit.
We're lesbian.
You've got a problem?
- Did you bring some vinyls?
- I'm privately here.
- Is it tasty?
- That's not what it's for.
You're right.
Careful, these are antique instruments.
If something happens to them,
my father is going to be really pissed off.
Is Miriam home?,
No, but go to the kitchen.
Sabrina will serve you with drugs.
What did you say?
Can't you smoke on the balcony?
My father will be angry.
- Hey, is that for your mom?
- What?
- Aren't your parents home?
- If they were we would not make a party.
- I need a room for my happening.
- What?
- This one is ideal.
- Are you Sabrina's friend too?
Now for the drinking.
What's crucial is that you have
to drink to the bottom.
What's the problem?