Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

If I may say so, your Majesty...
the chancellor
has little real power.

He is mired by baseless
accusations of corruption.

- The bureaucrats are in charge now.
- What options have we?

Our best choice would be
to push for the election...

of a stronger
supreme chancellor...

one who could control
the bureaucrats...

and give us justice.
You could call for a vote of
no confidence in Chancellor Valorum.

He has been
our strongest supporter.

Our only other choice would be
to submit a plea to the courts.

The courts take even longer
to decide things than the senate.

Our people are dying, Senator.
We must do something quickly
to stop the Federation.

To be realistic, your Majesty...
I think we're going to have to
accept Federation control...

for the time being.
That is something I cannot do.
He was trained in the Jedi arts.
My only conclusion can be
that it was a Sith lord.

The Sith have been extinct
for a millennium.

I do not believe the Sith could
have returned without us knowing.

Hard to see,
the dark side is.

We will use all our resources
to unravel this mystery.

We will discover the identity
of your attacker.

May the Force be with you.
Master Qui-Gon.
More to say have you?
With your permission, my master...
I have encountered
a vergence in the Force.

A vergence, you say.
Located around a person?
A boy.
His cells have the highest
concentration of midi-chlorians...

I have seen in a life-form.
It is possible he was conceived
by the midi-chlorians.
