Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

He was trained in the Jedi arts.
My only conclusion can be
that it was a Sith lord.

The Sith have been extinct
for a millennium.

I do not believe the Sith could
have returned without us knowing.

Hard to see,
the dark side is.

We will use all our resources
to unravel this mystery.

We will discover the identity
of your attacker.

May the Force be with you.
Master Qui-Gon.
More to say have you?
With your permission, my master...
I have encountered
a vergence in the Force.

A vergence, you say.
Located around a person?
A boy.
His cells have the highest
concentration of midi-chlorians...

I have seen in a life-form.
It is possible he was conceived
by the midi-chlorians.

You refer to the prophecy of the one
who will bring balance to the Force.

You believe it's this boy?
- I don't presume to--
- But you do.

Revealed your opinion is.
I request the boy be tested,

Trained as a Jedi
you request for him, hmm?

Finding him
was the will of the Force.

I have no doubt of that.
Bring him before us, then.
The boy's here to see Padmé.
Lethim in.
I'm sorry, Ani, but Padmé's
not here right now.

Who is it?
Anakin Skywalker to see Padmé,
your Highness.
