Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

You refer to the prophecy of the one
who will bring balance to the Force.

You believe it's this boy?
- I don't presume to--
- But you do.

Revealed your opinion is.
I request the boy be tested,

Trained as a Jedi
you request for him, hmm?

Finding him
was the will of the Force.

I have no doubt of that.
Bring him before us, then.
The boy's here to see Padmé.
Lethim in.
I'm sorry, Ani, but Padmé's
not here right now.

Who is it?
Anakin Skywalker to see Padmé,
your Highness.

I've sent Padmé on an errand.
I'm on my way
to the Jedi temple...

to start my training, I hope.
I may never see her again,
so I came to say goodbye.

We will tell her for you.
We are sure her heart goes with you.

Thank you, your Highness.
The chair recognizes the senator
from the sovereign system of Naboo.

Supreme Chancellor,
delegates of the senate...

a tragedy has occurred...
which started right here
with the taxation of trade routes...

and has now engulfed
our entire planet...

in the oppression
of the Trade Federation.

This is outrageous!
I object
to the senator's statements.
