Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Is the planet secure?
We have taken over the last pockets
of primitive life-forms.

We are in complete control
of the planet now.

Good. I will see to it
that in the senate...

things stay as they are.
I am sending my apprentice,
Darth Maul, to join you.

Yes, my lord.
A Sith here?
Those are the forward stabilizers.
And those two control the pitch?
You catch on pretty quick.
As soon as we land...
the Federation will arrest you
and force you to sign the treaty.

I agree.
I'm not sure what you wish
to accomplish by this.

I will take back what's ours.
There are too few of us,
your Highness.

We have no army.
And I can only protect you.
I can't fight a war for you.
Jar Jar Binks.
Mesa, your Highness?
Yes. I need your help.
I have one battleship on my scope.
It's a droid control ship.
They've probably spotted us.
We haven't much time.
Jar Jar is on his way
to the Gungan city, Master.

Do you think
the queen's idea will work?

The Gungans will not
be easily swayed.

And we cannot use our power
to help her.

I'm sorry for
my behaviour, Master.

It's not my place to disagree
with you about the boy.

And I am grateful you think
I'm ready to take the trials.
