Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

And I can only protect you.
I can't fight a war for you.
Jar Jar Binks.
Mesa, your Highness?
Yes. I need your help.
I have one battleship on my scope.
It's a droid control ship.
They've probably spotted us.
We haven't much time.
Jar Jar is on his way
to the Gungan city, Master.

Do you think
the queen's idea will work?

The Gungans will not
be easily swayed.

And we cannot use our power
to help her.

I'm sorry for
my behaviour, Master.

It's not my place to disagree
with you about the boy.

And I am grateful you think
I'm ready to take the trials.

You've been a good apprentice,

And you're a much wiser man
than I am.

I foresee you will become
a great Jedi knight.

Desa nobody dare!
The Gungan city is deserted!
Some kinda fight, mesa tinks.
Do you think they have been taken
to the camps?

More likely they were wiped out.
- Mesa no tink so.
- Do you know where they are, Jar Jar?

When in trouble,
Gungans go to sacred place.

Mesa show you.
Come on. Mesa show you!
