Stuart Little

Stand next to Stuart.
This is something that gave
your father and me...

...hours of enjoyment when we were
young brothers...

...just like you and Stuart.
This ball...
...belonged to your

...Jedediah Little.
Remember, Frederick,
those long summer days playing catch?

Take your brother outside
and toss around the old horsehide.

Yeah, what do you say, George?
You ready?

Are you all nuts?
Bicycles and bowling balls?
How's he gonna toss a baseball?
How's he gonna do any of those things?
He's not my brother. He's a mouse.
-Time to go.
-Excellent idea.

What, what? Where?
Did I hurt you? What's the matter?
I just wanted to ask you something,
but you were already asleep.

-What did you wanna ask?
-About my real family.

You know, the ones I look like.
He hates us.
We've never been hated before.
No, It's not that.
It's not that at all.

It's just that...
...something's missing.
I feel an empty space inside me...
...and I want to know
what was there before.

You have an empty space.
That's so sad.
Oh, dear. I hope I haven't left you
dismayed and disappointed.

-No, don't, no.
