The Hurricane

Cockersham? That name
was in the police report.

- That's right.
- So how come he didn't testify?

Thejudge threw
the police report out.

Cockersham left town.
Nobody could find him.

It was two coloured guys. Theyjust
walked in, they started shootin'.

Call the cops.
Now, according to the police,
the murders were racially motivated.

See, the bar didn't serve blacks,
so naturally this crazy nigger,
Rubin Carter...

had to take out his vengeance
on the entire white race.

Uh, this is, uh, Exhibit 11 -F.
- This is 1966.
- Wait a minute. What are you talking
about? Where are-- Where are you?

- Trial transcripts, 1966.
- Oh. Stick to the blue cards.

- Valentine-- Valentine first said...
- I know the blue cards.

the car's taillights
were similar to the getaway car.

- "Similar."
- Right. Then in '76, Exhibit 89-C,
she says, quote...
