The Hurricane

It was two coloured guys. Theyjust
walked in, they started shootin'.

Call the cops.
Now, according to the police,
the murders were racially motivated.

See, the bar didn't serve blacks,
so naturally this crazy nigger,
Rubin Carter...

had to take out his vengeance
on the entire white race.

Uh, this is, uh, Exhibit 11 -F.
- This is 1966.
- Wait a minute. What are you talking
about? Where are-- Where are you?

- Trial transcripts, 1966.
- Oh. Stick to the blue cards.

- Valentine-- Valentine first said...
- I know the blue cards.

the car's taillights
were similar to the getaway car.

- "Similar."
- Right. Then in '76, Exhibit 89-C,
she says, quote...

"The Carter car was unquestionably
the same car. There was no doubt."

- Closed quote.
- Exactly.

Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Second trial, ten years later,
suddenly she changes her story.

She drew a picture,
like a bow tie.

Yeah. Yeah, I've got it here.
"Taillights lit up
all across the back like a butterfly,
as the killer's car drove away."

"Like a butterfly."
So the first thing we
have to do is find out exactly
what Rubin's car looked like.

- We need to find a '66 Dodge Polara.
- Mm-hmm.

There's the bow-tie lights,
like Patty Valentine described.

- I'm not so sure about that.
- You ready?
- Yeah!

See that?
They don't light up all the way.

Oh, no, that's a Dodge Monaco.
You don't want one of those.

They don't have the power. Look,
I'll make you a good deal on this one.

- Shit.
- Monaco?
