The Iron Giant

No! Call me Dean.

Hogarth, you were going
to get your pet, honey?

I will, Mom.
-Right after l finish talking with--


-Found your pet.

Squirrel's up my pants, Hogarth.
I'm trying not to wig out here.

Don't wig out.
Okay. He's heading north now.

I'm sorry, kid. l'd like to apologize
to everyone in advance for this.


Check, please.

It's a rat!

Hello, this is Hogarth Hughes
speaking. Who's calling?

I'm really sorry, but--

Thank you.
I need to work late tonight.
There's chicken in the icebox.

You can have that and carrots--

I'm way ahead of you, Mom.
I'll make it up to you.
-I love you.
-Me too.

And, Hogarth...
:05:07 scary movies, no late snacks,
in bed by 8:00. Got it?

Come on, Mom.
It's me, remember?

Why, the porpoise can communicate
telepathically, Miss Melon.


If we can transplant 15 %
of their brain matter into ours...

... we may be able to read minds.

Darn. A perfectly good brain wasted.
You've seen enough.
How about a nightcap?


Let's say my place.

I was thinking the same thing.
Mind reader.

Darn. l seem to have left
my keys in the lab.


You're gonna get it.
