The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

who will stop Talbot attacking
- from the north?
- God.

God! Why, of course!
We'd forgotten about him.
I feel great sorrow for you.
You laugh, but by tomorrow,
some of you will be dead.

We can't just attack the Tourelle
like that.

- It's a complicated matter.
- Why?

You only need to do what you're told.
What could be simpler?

I'm the drum on which
God is beating out his message.
So hard it's bursting my ears!
Jeanne, it's not easy for us,
for our pride,

to suddenly be usurped by...
with all due respect, by a...
by a girl.
So, that's it.
To you, I'm just...
a girl.
Put yourself in my shoes.
How would you feel?
Knowing what I know?
Enormous gratitude.
One hell of a girl!
I warned you!
I do love her
when her fire gets well and truly

- stoked.
- Me too.

Hello, my friends!
What a journey!
But we made it.
Let's have some fun.
Fine. Let's look like a man.
