The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

To you, I'm just...
a girl.
Put yourself in my shoes.
How would you feel?
Knowing what I know?
Enormous gratitude.
One hell of a girl!
I warned you!
I do love her
when her fire gets well and truly

- stoked.
- Me too.

Hello, my friends!
What a journey!
But we made it.
Let's have some fun.
Fine. Let's look like a man.
Stop it!
How dare you stop God's will!
He never said cut your hair!
How dare you tell me
what God tells me to do!

Since He won't cut it Himself,
let someone do it properly!
Raymond, bring the scissors.
Louis, fetch

the mirror.
Stop getting so angry.
- Calm down.
- I am calm!

But God is angry.
I need to send a letter.

To you, Henry, King of England,
and you, Duke of Bedford,
who call yourself Regent of France,

obey the King of Heaven,
abandon your siege.

Give back the keys to the other towns
and go back to your island.

To you, Lord Talbot,
I beg you as humbly as I can,

for the sake of your soldiers' lives.
