The Story of Us

Sometimes you just can 't
climb out of the abyss.

I thought of last summer,
when we still hoped...

... that if we put ourselves
in some idyllic setting...

... we'd somehow get rid
of all the tension...

...jump-start our marriage...
...and rediscover why we fell in love
in the first place.

So last year,
after Parents ' Weekend...

... we thought maybe
in a trattoria in Venice...

...looking at a beautiful sunset,
next to a bottle of Chianti...

... we just might find a set
ofjumper cables.

How you doing?
Two ItaIian ices, pIease.

Honey, you don't have to say ItaIian.
We're here. They know.

So if I'm in BeIgium, and I order
a BeIgian waffIe, I just say waffIe?

Like if you were in IreIand
and you wanted Irish stew...

:49:59'd just say stew.
If you're in China and
you want Chinese food...

:50:04 say, "Bring on the food. "
We couIdn't heIp but overhear
your deIightfuI repartee.

We're the Kirbys from CIeveIand.
And you are...?

-The Mansons.
-From Spawn Ranch.

That's a good one.
Look, right there.
The red cape.

I Iike that.
It's you...
-The Kirbys from CIeveIand.
-Joanie and Eddie.

How couId we forget?
We haven't stopped taIking about you.

This is fate. We have to
get together, break bread.

Sounds great.
We're at the HoteI Pasta e FagioIi.
