The Story of Us

you order room service?
-What's the matter?
-Nothing. I'm okay.

Honey, are you okay?
I'm okay. I'm fine.
I couIdn't sIeep, so
I snuck out after Iights out.

I just wanted to sIeep
with you guys.

It's okay. I'II caII the camp
and Iet them know you're here.

Why is the bed made up on the couch?
Daddy was doing a IittIe reading,
and I didn't wanna wake Mommy up.

Sometimes you just can 't
climb out of the abyss.

I thought of last summer,
when we still hoped...

... that if we put ourselves
in some idyllic setting...

... we'd somehow get rid
of all the tension...

...jump-start our marriage...
...and rediscover why we fell in love
in the first place.

So last year,
after Parents ' Weekend...

... we thought maybe
in a trattoria in Venice...

...looking at a beautiful sunset,
next to a bottle of Chianti...

... we just might find a set
ofjumper cables.

How you doing?
Two ItaIian ices, pIease.

Honey, you don't have to say ItaIian.
We're here. They know.

So if I'm in BeIgium, and I order
a BeIgian waffIe, I just say waffIe?

Like if you were in IreIand
and you wanted Irish stew...

:49:59'd just say stew.
